Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Winter
Issues and Challenges of Bhutanese Mathematics Curriculum: A View from the Exploratory Study
Karma DorjiAbstract : 1087PDF : 6631-9 -
Adapting Middle Grades Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics Instrument into Turkish
Aslıhan Batur, Bülent Güven , Kemal AkoğluAbstract : 443PDF : 26310-30 -
The Effect of Computer-Assisted Mathematics Teaching on Academic Achievement in Mathematics Course: A Meta-Analysis Study
Adnan Baki, Kadir GürsoyAbstract : 597PDF : 44131-56 -
Examining the Effect of Computer-Assisted Geometry Activities on Problem Solving Achievements of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers
Buket Özüm Bülbül, Aysun Nüket Elçi, Mustafa Güler, Bülent GüvenAbstract : 662PDF : 13257-78 -
A Comparison of Turkish and Singaporean Textbooks in Relation to the Instructional Content on Mental Computation in Arithmetic Operations
Suphi Önder BütünerAbstract : 872PDF : 35779-112