Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions About the Content of the 11th Grade Mathematics Textbook


  • Sevgi Çisem Kazancı Dede Türkiye Ministery of Education
  • Erdem Çekmez Trabzon University


Secondary school mathematics, Mathematics textbooks, Book review


In 2018, the curriculum was renewed and in this process, deficiencies in mathematics textbooks were tried to be determined. In the context of this effort, suggestions have been made regarding the quality of mathematics textbooks. In this way, it was thought to make the textbooks more functional in mathematics lessons. Due to the fact that the textbooks prepared in this context are new, it is necessary to reveal how the textbooks were interpreted by the teachers in terms of content. In this context, the aim of this research is to reveal the opinions of teachers about the 11th grade mathematics textbook prepared by the Ministry of National Education, Board of Education. The mixed method was used in the research and the research was designed with a case study. The data collection tool in the quantitative dimension of the research consists of the "evaluation survey of mathematics textbooks in terms of content" for which validity and reliability studies have been made, and the semi-structured interview form is the data collection tool in the qualitative dimension. As a result of the data obtained from the participants, it has been revealed that the books do not contain different types of questions, they are insufficient in terms of creating an environment that supports asking questions, and the concepts related to reasoning are not included enough in the books.


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How to Cite

Kazancı Dede, S. Çisem, & Çekmez, E. (2023). Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions About the Content of the 11th Grade Mathematics Textbook. Turkish Journal of Mathematics Education, 4(3). Retrieved from https://tujme.org/index.php/tujme/article/view/87


