Tendency Content Analysis of Research in the Field of Numbers in Turkey



Number sense, number sense components, thematic content analysis


Number sense is generally expressed as the ability to understand numbers such as develop useful strategies while performing operations, make instant predictions, discover number patterns and notice arithmetic errors. It is one of the important matters that have increased in importance and studied in our country in recent years. Therefore, this study aims to determine the trends in number sense studies by using thematic content analysis. This study conducted research on a total of 94 studies, 60 articles and 34 theses published in the national literature between 2010 and 2022. Studies were examined in terms of publication place, type, year, sample size, sample group, research method, data collection tool and analysis type, umber sense components that students showed high and low performance. According to the findings, it has been determined that studies on the concept of number sense have increased significantly in recent years, for instance more than half of the studies (52%) use quantitative data analysis types (t-test, correlation, ANOVA, etc.). In addition, the concept of number sense has a positive relationship with various variables (parental education level, gender, school type, etc.), but the number sense skills of teachers and teacher candidates are low. It has been suggested that there is a need for in-depth studies using the qualitative method to make sense of the perceptions for the development of number sense skills.   



How to Cite

Atasoy, E., & Karakoç, S. . (2022). Tendency Content Analysis of Research in the Field of Numbers in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(2), 25–38. Retrieved from https://tujme.org/index.php/tujme/article/view/60


