Examination of the Studies related to Teaching Mathematics through Games in Turkey
Educational math games, teaching mathematics through games, meta-synthesisAbstract
In this study, we aimed to investigate research on teaching mathematics through games carried out between 2002-2017 in Turkey. In this meta-synthesis study one doctoral thesis, eight master's theses, 19 articles and two projects were analysed under 6 headings: purpose of, type of the game used in, implementation of the game used in, related mathematics topics in, sample of, and results obtained in the studies. Our results showed that these scholarly studies were carried out for different purposes such as determining the effect of the game, condition determination, promotion and teaching. In addition, it is stated that these studies are aimed at determining many effects and that there are mostly studies on the topics of numbers; games are applied in different ways in the studies, but mostly in the form of competition. In addition to known games such as origami and card games, it was concluded that games developed by researchers were used in the studies and that the studies were mostly done at the lower-secondary level but neither at kindergarten nor high school. It is suggested that researchers interesting in doing further research on teaching mathematics with games should include not only the effects of the games they have developed, but also problems that will arise during the application of the game.